Sculpture Host

Web Hosting for Sculptor-Artists ...
Website Design & Website Re-Design for Sculptor-Artists

Would you like to sell more Sculpture and/or Art? It is a very competitive world out there. Everything has to be in alignment to create success today. The first priority of Sculpture Host is assistance in the the market position of the work you create. Remember, if customers can't see or find your work, how can they buy it? Bill West and Sculpture Host have been designing results oriented websites for sculptors and artists since 1993. Our marketing efforts for Sculptor-Artists are done with a focus on an affordable, visibile, well orchestrated and concise content-message to your potential customers. Let Sculpture Host assist you in bringing your CREATIONS to market.


Sculpture Host is an Internet company that is dedicated to Sculptor-Artists and their Sculpture. To our knowledge the only true Internet company dedicated to Sculpture-Artists. Our Sculptor-Artist Clients are many. We offer both standard and custom websites for Sculptor-Artists. Sculpture Host creates, designs, hosts, maintains and implements websites and marketing programs along with various alternative marketing outlets or venues for Sculptor-Artists to sell the Sculpture and Art they create.
Contact Sculpture Host today to learn more on how we can assist you in increasing your discovery and visibility quotient both nationally and internationally.


Sculpture Host, P.O. Box 6108, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA 85261